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MMA / Combat Gloves - KAIWERO (Challenger)
The Inspiration for this design - KAIWERO Meaning: Challenger The...
$ 82.90 -
MMA Combat Gloves - THE CODE
The Design: 'The Code'Exclusively designed in New Zealand by Athlete-X
$ 82.90 -
MMA / Combat Gloves - Tribute
The Design: TRIBUTE 'STAY WITH THE FIGHT'These gloves have been...
$ 75.00 -
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$ 75.00
Gold Splash Gold Splash
The Design: Gold SplashExclusively designed in New Zealand by Athlete-X The Design: Gold SplashExclusively...
$ 75.00 -
$ 79.90
Revolution Revolution
The Design: The 'Revolution' GlovesExclusively designed in New Zealand by Athlete-X The Design: The 'Revolution'...
$ 79.90 -
$ 79.90
Taniwha Taniwha
The Design: TaniwhaExclusively designed in New Zealand by Athlete-X The Design: TaniwhaExclusively...
$ 79.90 -
$ 79.90
Flame - Cage Flame - Cage
The Design: Flames - CageExclusively designed in New Zealand by Athlete-X The Design: Flames - CageExclusively...
$ 79.90 -
$ 49.40
Athlete-X - Champion Athlete-X - Champion
The Design: CHAMPIONExclusively designed in New Zealand by Athlete-X - SUPERDEAL The Design: CHAMPIONExclusively...
$ 49.40 -
$ 75.00
MMA / Combat Gloves - Camo 2 MMA / Combat Gloves - Camo 2
The Design: CAMO 2Exclusively designed in New Zealand by Athlete-X The Design: CAMO 2Exclusively...
$ 75.00 -
$ 79.90
Heavy Metal MMA Gloves Heavy Metal MMA Gloves
The Design: Heavy Metal - The Metallic RangeExclusively designed in New Zealand by Athlete-X The Design: Heavy Metal - The...
$ 79.90 -
$ 75.00
Combat - Graffiti Combat - Graffiti
The Design: GRAFFITI Wording 'COMBAT'Exclusively designed in New Zealand by Athlete-X The Design: GRAFFITI Wording...
$ 75.00 -
$ 75.00
Pounamu Pounamu
The Design: PounamuExclusively designed in New Zealand by Athlete-X The Design: PounamuExclusively...
$ 75.00 -
$ 75.00
MMA / Combat Gloves - Element MMA / Combat Gloves - Element
The Design: ELEMENTThese gloves have been printed in the New Zealand Native Language Maori: AHI - WAI - WHENUA - HAU: The 4 ElementsFire - Water - Earth - Wind The Design: ELEMENTThese gloves have...
$ 75.00 -
$ 82.90
Combat - MOTIV Combat - MOTIV
The Design: 'MOTIV'Exclusively designed in New Zealand by Athlete-X The Design: 'MOTIV'Exclusively...
$ 82.90 -
$ 79.00
Athlete-X Suede Leather Power Lifting Belt Athlete-X Suede Leather Power Lifting Belt
Spinal loading during weightlifting and powerlifting can result in a loss of stature - protect your back with an Athlete-X Suede Powerlifting Belt Spinal loading during weightlifting...
$ 79.00